
The "International Seminars on the Teaching of Computing Science at University Level" were a 34-year long series of annual four-day seminars, all held at Newcastle University, which brought together an invited audience of senior UK and European computing academics to hear a series of presentations from distinguished international speakers. Each seminar concentrated on a particular theme, usually a major computer science research domain, and a small group of speakers each gave one or more lectures reviewing their own and other contributions to its development. The series arose from an initiative by the then Director of the Computing Laboratory, Professor Ewan Page, who had attended a similar, but one-off, event organised by IBM in Paris in 1968.
Professor Randell's extensive network of contacts, and IBM's deep pockets, were of enormous value in attracting very eminent speakers. These included a total of twenty-two ACM Turing Award winners - Tim Berners-Lee, Fred Brooks, Vint Cerf, Edsger Dijkstra, Doug Englebart, Richard Hamming, Tony Hoare, John Hopcroft, Ken Iverson, Alan Kay, Don Knuth, Butler Lampson, John McCarthy, Robin Milner, Peter Naur, Kristen Nygaard, Alan Perlis, Amir Pnueli, Michael Rabin, Dennis Ritchie, Dana Scott, and Niklaus Wirth. IBM's very generous sponsorship of the series lasted for many years, before being followed by that of Amdahl and then ICL.
In addition to the technical content, the seminars had a full social programme and plentiful opportunities for discussion. Senior UK computing professors at that time have since said that the series served two important functions: it enabled them to keep abreast of the developments their younger colleagues were always talking about and, in the days before formal associations of computing professors or heads of department were set up, it provided an opportunity for broader discussion of shared university concerns. Newcastle academics and PhD students were encouraged to attend all presentations of interest to them. Speakers were expected to produce either notes or a paper for the Seminar Proceedings, and one or more Newcastle students and academics were assigned to each speaker as rapporteurs with the responsibility to record end-of-lecture question and answer sessions. Copies of the Seminar Proceedings were distributed to all attendees, and to all recipients of the School's Technical Report Series.
  1. 1968 - Computer Science:

    D T Ross: Data Structure and Storage Management
    N Wirth: Teaching Compiler Design - Outline of a Proposed Course
    D N Freeman: Chapel Hill 'Design of Control Programs' Graduate Course;  Asymmetric Multiprocessors;  A Study of Stack Architecture in Control Program Design
    T D Lutz: A Postgraduate Course on Time-Sharing Systems
    J du Masle: Software Teaching and Research at the University of Grenoble
    E S Page: Constraints on Teaching in Computing Science

  2. 1969 - On the Teaching of the Design of Large Software Systems:

    B W Arden: Multi-Processing Systems
    A B Cleaver: Systems Evaluation
    R M Needham: Failure Recovery
    E G Coffman Jr: Formalism in Computer System Design - Models of Parallelism and Concurrency
    K I McKenzie: The Problem of Debugging the Large On-Line System
    W A Clarke: Data Management and I/O
    C J Conti: High Performance Design Technique
    C J Bell: Information Systems
    J B Dennis: The Structure of the Information Utility

  3. 1970 - The Teaching of Programming at University Level:

    E W Dijkstra: The Art of Programming
    A d'Agapeyeff: The Training Needs of a Software House
    J D Aron: Formal and On-The-Job Training for Applications System Programmers
    D E Knuth: The Analysis of Algorithms
    K E Iverson: The Use of APL in Teaching
    A J Perlis: Semantics - The Mapping of Programming Languages into Subsets of Themselves;  Quality - In What Important Ways do Programming Languages Differ
    M A Jackson: The Construction of Algorithms in a Commercial Programming Environment
    W C Lynch: The Creation of Systems Programmers
    J Thow: System Programming with a Computer Manufacturer

  4. 1971 - The Teaching of Computer Design:

    D J Kinniment: Computer Engineering and Design
    D W Davies: The Education of a Designer of Information Systems
    C L Seitz: Teaching Computer Organization in a Laboratory
    D Aspinall: Computer Technology at the University College of Swansea
    Z Riesel: Some Remarks on the Teaching of Computer Design
    R S Barton: Considerations for a Course for Future-Oriented Computer Designers
    P D Atkinson: Education Requirements for Computer Hardware Development
    D J Wheeler: System Design for Non-Engineering Students and the Synchronisation Problem
    B W Lampson: Teaching of Computer Design to Computer Science Undergraduates
    J Suchard: Course Structure at the University of Paris
    C G Bell: Notations and Physical Components used in the Description, Design, and Teaching of Computing Structures

  5. 1972 - The Application of Computers in Business:

    R.L. Ashenhurst: Organizational Information Structures
    S.L. Andersen: The Use of Computers and Information Structures in Corporate and Profit Centre Strategic Planning
    D.L. Parnas: Teaching the Cooperative Production of Programs
    J.D. Couger: The Undergraduate Program in Inforation System Development
    A.H. Duncan: The Graduate in Computing in Banking
    P.V. Youle: The Use of Computer-Based Models in Running the ICI Petrochemicals Division
    C.J. Bell: Society Needs Better Applications Oriented Software
    F.F. Land: Draft I.F.I.P. Curriculum for System Designers
    J.B. Cowie: User Requirements

  6. 1973 - Computers and Communication:

    D C Engelbart: Computer Augmentation of Human Knowledge Work
    A G Fraser: Future Trends in Computers and Communication Systems
    L Kleinrock: Analytic Techniques for Computer Communications Networks
    D McKay: Review of Computer Network Techniques: Present and Future
    A Boesveld: Stored Program Controlled Telephone Exchanges
    G Dale: Data Communications, Europe - Where Next?
    E W Dijkstra: Asynchronous Systems, Conservation Laws and Cnvergence to a Steady State
    J McNeil: Graduates in the Computer Industry: A Consultant's View
    R Reardon: The Establishment of a Large Scale International Computer Facility, for Both Communications and Data Processing
    R Scantlebury: Packet Switching Networks

  7. 1974 - Formal Aspects of Computing Science:

    C A R Hoare: Program Correctness Proofs
    S Winograd: Complexity of Computations
    M O Rabin: Complexity of Computation
    D S Scott: Mathematical Semantics
    H Bekic: The Semantics of Parallel Processing
    J E Hopcroft: Themes in Algorithm Design
    H Zemanek: Formalization: Past, Present and Future

  8. 1975 - Computers and the Educated Individual:

    W A Clark: The Basis of Present Computer Design
    P C Goldberg: The Future of Programming for Non-Programmers
    R W Hamming: The History of Computing to the Year 2000;  Computers in the Coming Society;  What to Include in Courses
    F J M Laver: Computers and Society
    P Naur: An Adaptable course of Elementary, University Level, Computer Science
    A W Holt: Formal Methods in System Analysis

  9. 1976 - Computer System Design:

    J D Aron: System Development
    M A Jackson: More Constructive Methods of Program Design
    W C Lynch: Structured Performance Evaluation;  Load Variation, Scheduling and Measurement;  Reliability Experience with CHI/OS
    C A Petri: General Net Theory;  Communication Disciplines
    D T Ross: Structured Analysis
    W M Turski: A View of Software Problems;  The Software Curriculum at Warsaw University Institute of Informatics

  10. 1977 - Digital Systems Design:

    D Aspinall: Engineering Implications of Programmable Electronic Components
    I M Barron: The Microcomputer and its Consequences
    G A Blaauw: Specification of Digital Systems
    T C Chen: Parallelism, Pipelining and Other Forms of Synchronous Multiprocessing
    E L Glaser: Digital System Design
    W Handler: The Impact of Classification Systems on Computer Architecture
    F G Heath: Directed Graph Methods in Computer System Education
    C A R Hoare: Communicating Sequential Processes
    W M McKeeman: Application Programming Systems So Friendly that Even a Salesman Can Use Them
    Z G Vranesic: Organisation of Computer Systems

  11. 1978 - Distributed Computing Systems:

    D W Davies: The Protection of Data by Cryptography
    E W Dijkstra: Aspects of Reasoning Effectively about Distributed Systems
    J C R Licklider: Education of Students to Cope with Problems of Computers and Society
    P M Merlin: Modelling and Validation of Protocols
    R E Miller: Graph Theoretic Models of Parallel Computation
    R M Needham: User-Server Distributed Computing
    E J Neuhold: The Distribution of Data and Processes in Computer Networks
    K Nygaard: Concepts and Tasks Related to System Description
    G Ringland: The Science Research Council's Research Programme in Distributed Computing

  12. 1979 - Data Base Systems:

    C J van Rijsbergen: Information Retrieval: Theory and Practice
    H Weber: Modularity in Data Base System Design
    C B Jones: The Specification of Data Types
    W Kent: The Future Requirements of Data Modelling;  Limiting Factors in Current Data Models;  Integration of Modelling Concepts
    J W Schmidt: Programming Languages and Data Base Models
    D Tsichritzis: A Form Manipulation System;  Education in Data Base Management
    D Bjorner: Formalisation of Data Base Models and Data Base Management Systems
    W F King: Future Directions in Data Base Management Systems
    P M Stocker: A Data Base Internal Schema and Access Path Determination

  13. 1980 - Artificial Intelligence:

    H G Barrow: Computational Vision
    J Darlington: Automatic Programming: Past, Present and Future
    D D Grossman
    M H E Larcombe: Robotics Research in the United Kingdom
    J S Moore: Three Lectures on Theorem-Proving and Program Verification
    Y Wilks: Expert Systems and Natural Language Analysis
    P H Winston: Teaching Artificial Intelligence
    W A Woods: Augmented Transition Network Grammars for Natural Language Analysis;  Continuous Speech Understanding

  14. 1981 - Very Large Scale Integration:

    J Allen: The Teaching of VLSI Design
    J P Gray: Structured Design (Abstracts)
    H T Kung: VLSI Computation
    M Rem: High Level Design Notations
    V L Rideout: VLSI Technology
    J Rivierre: Test Pattern Generation for VLSI: Status and Trends
    C H Sequin: The Impact of VLSI on Computer Architecture

  15. 1982 - Formal Specification:

    J R Abrial: Specification and Construction of Machines
    R M Burstall: Specification using an Algebraic Approach
    D I Good: The Proof of a Distributed System in Gypsy;  Reusable Problem Domain Theories
    J J Horning: Putting Formal Specifications to Productive Use
    C B Jones: Formal Specification and Design of Programs
    P M Melliar-Smith: Formal Specification and Mechanical Verification
    P Mosses: Semantics Implementation Systems;  Algebraic Specification of Programming Language Semantics
    R Nakajima: Many-Sorted Logical Specification for Modular Prgramming

  16. 1983 - Man-Machine Interaction:

    P J Barnard: Experiments on Learning Interactive Dialogues;  Applying the Products of Research on Interactive Dialogues
    J S Bridle: Speech Properties and Methods for Synthesis and Recognition;  Automatic Speech Recognition and Computer Science
    S T Card: The Psychology of User-Computer Interaction;  Examples of a Model-Based Human Factors;  Human Computer Interaction in the Computer Science Curriculum
    I A Clark: Designing Software to hit the Mark
    W E Howard: Trends in Display Devices
    J McCarthy: Some Expert Systems need Common Sense
    W Newman: Lecture
    R F Sproull: Users' Models;  Programming the User Interface;  Challenges in Graphical User Interfaces

  17. 1984 - Security and Privacy:

    D Coppersmith: Design of Cryptographic Systems
    D W Davies: Authentication and Signatures in Commerce and Banking
    D E Denning: Database Security
    J E Dobson: The Newcastle Connection as a Mechanism for Providing a Multi-Level Secure File Store
    R J Gornal
    J J Kenny: Privacy and Data Protection
    S B Lipner
    H van Tongeren: Consequences of Data Protection Legislation
    R Turn: Privacy Issues in the Design and Use of Computers

  18. 1985 - Network Protocols:

    J L Adams: The Performance of LAN Protocols
    H J Burkhardt: Open Systems Interconnection Communication Architecture - Realisation of Open Systems
    V G Cerf: Electronic Messaging
    D Cohen: Another Look at Computer Communication Protocols;  Computerized Commerce
    V Decreuse: High Layer Protocol Standardisation for Distributed Processing;  IBM Logical Type 6.2 - An Overview
    R Milner: Verifying a Protocol Algebraically using CCS
    F Panzieri: Communication Architectures for Distributed Systems
    D Rayner: The State of the Art in Testing Protocol Implementations
    H Rudin: Notes on Automated Protocol Analysis
    B Wood: Standardisation for Open Systems
    H. Zimmerman: On Protocol Engineering

  19. 1986 - Programming Environments:

    A Alderson: The Eclipse IPSE;  PCTE (Portable Common Tool Environment)
    M Cowlishaw: REXX - A Practical Approach to Programming
    A N Habermann: The Objectives of the Software Engineering Institute;  A Quick Overview of the Gandalf System
    W Harrison: On the Construction of Development Environments;  Trends in the Development of Development Environments
    P Hitchcock: The Aspect Information Base
    K Jackson: Tightly Controlled Project Support Environments
    D M Ritchie: Brief Technical History of Unix;  What's Wrong with the Good Things in Unix?
    V Stenning: The ISTAR Environment
    B C Warboys: Current Industrial Software Engineering Concerns;  IPSE 2.5 - One IPSE that is Necessary
    R W Witty: The Alvey IPSE Strategy and its Relationship to UK Computer Science Teaching

  20. 1987 - Logic and its Application to Computing Science:

    H Benker: Logic Programming Architectures
    J E Dobson: Representing the Real World
    D Gries: What a Programmer Should Know About Logic
    F K Hanna and N Daeche: Specification and Verification of Digital Systems;  Specification and Verification using Higher-Order Logic
    Z Manna: Automated Deduction - Techniques and Applications
    A Pnueli: Applications of Temporal Logic to Reactive Systems
    F B Schneider: What a Systems Programmer can Learn from Programming Logics
    S Tarnlund: Logic Programming
    M Thomas

  21. 1988 - Object-Oriented Computer Systems:

    M P Atkinson: Persistent Programming and Object Oriented Databases
    F Bancilhon: GIP Altair
    J Brenner: Objects as a Systems Organisation Principle
    J A Campbell: Teaching Introductory Programming in Scheme at University College London
    A Goldberg: Reusability - When it Works, When it Does Not
    D M Harland: Object-Oriented Computer Architecture
    P Hitchcock: Using the Relational Model RM/T to Provide an Object-Oriented Database
    A Kay: Point of View is Worth 80 IQ Points
    K Nygaard: Basic Concepts in Object-Oriented Programming - An Overview of the Beta Language
    P Ross: Object-Oriented Techniques in AI
    C Schaffert: A Survey of Object-Oriented Languages - Problems in Object-Oriented Language Design
    M Wolczko: Formal Aspects of Object-Oriented Systems

  22. 1989 - Real-Time Systems:

    C Bron: Controlling Discrete Real-Time Systems with Parallel Processes
    N Halbwachs: Synchronous Programming of Reactive Systems;  Specifying, Programming & Verifying Real-Time Systems Using the Language LUSTRE
    M Joseph: Time and Computation;  Transformation Methods for Implementing Correct Real-Time Programs
    H Kopetz: Real-Time Computing - Basic Concepts;  Design of a Real-Time Computing System;  Clock Synchronization
    A Mok: Real-Time Logic Scheduling
    G M Reed: Real-Time CSP
    H R Strong: Fault Tolerance in Real Time Systems
    W M Turski: Timing Considerations Will Damage Your Programs;  How to cope with Many Processors in No Time at All

  23. 1990 - System Modelling:

    E G Coffman Jr: Asymptotic Methods in the Probabilistic Analysis of Packing and Partitioning Algorithms
    E Gelenbe: Product Form Networks with Negative and Positive Customers;  Performance Analysis of the Connection Machine
    P Harrison: Analytical Models for Multi-Stage Interconnection Networks;  Modelling Circuit-Switched Multi-Stage Interconnection Networks
    P H Hughes: Developments in Modelling Capability;  Integration with System Engineering
    B Littlewood: Software Reliability Modelling: Some Achievements and Limitations
    I Mitrani: Exploiting Parallelism in Simulations;  Network Models in Manufacturing and Communications
    G Pujolle: Broadband ISDN and HS-LANs;  Resource Sharing and Blocking - Applications to Connection-Oriented Protocols
    A Solvberg: Integrated Modelling and Support Environments for Information Systems

  24. 1991 - Parallel Computing:

    G Bell: Computer Structures for Parallel Processing
    A Dickenson: Parallel Processing and Meteorological Models
    P G Harrison: Synthesising Efficient, Portable Algorithms for Parallel Architectures
    N Holt: Parallel Computing for Commercial Applications
    R N Ibbett: Massively Parallel Computers
    M Koutny: Invariants and Paradigms of Concurrency Theory
    H M Levy: Scheduler Activations - Effective Kernel Support for the User-Level Management of Parallelism
    G M Megson: Automatic Systolic Algorithm Design I - Basic Synthesis Techniques;  Automatic Systolic Algorithm Design II - A Practical Approach
    B Procter: Technology and Market Trends

  25. 1992 - 25th International Seminar on the Teaching of Computer Science:

    E W Dijkstra: On a Once Deep Theorem Conjectured by Sylvester - and - The Kind of Things I Learned and Liked
    C A R Hoare: Algebra and Models
    D E Knuth: Stable Husbands;  The Stanford Graphbase - A Platform for Combinatorial Algorithms
    B W Lampson: Computer Architecture and Design
    J McCarthy: Artificial Intelligence
    R M Needham: Communication Systems Development;  Reasoning About Cryptographic Protocols
    K Nygaard: Information Processes, Programming Languages and Perpectives on Reality
    M O Rabin: Clock Construction in Fully Asynchronous Parallel Systems and PRAM Simulation

  26. 1993 - Information:

    T Berners-Lee: The World-Wide Web Initiative
    J Foster: Networked Information Systems - Bringing Order to Chaos?
    D K Gifford: Semantic File Systems
    T Lincoln: Information Systems - Where Exceptions Test The Rule
    I R M Mowat: Plus Ça Change, Plus C'est La Même Chose
    J V Panter: Multimedia - Evolution or Revolution
    C J van Rijsbergen: Information Retrieval and Informative Reasoning;  What is Information Anyway
    D Russell: Networking Advances: The Internet Perspective Vortex
    R K Stamper: A Semiotic Theory of Information and Information Systems;  Applied Semiotics

  27. 1994 - Systems Integration and Structuring:

    A Aho: System Integration and the Global Information Infrastructure - and - How Reliable Can We Make Software
    R T Emery: OPENframework
    J Kramer: Exoskeletal Software: Making Structure Explicit
    R Levin: Software Configuration Management: The Vesta Approach
    R Morrison: Persistent Programming: A Programming Language and Database Integration Technology
    E Rechtin: Systems Architecting and Software Integration
    J Sventek: Distributed Objects as a Legacy Integration Mechanism;  System Integration using Distributed Objects

  28. 1995 - The Future of Software:

    R H Bourgonjon: The Evolution of Embedded Software in Consumer Products
    B R Gladman: Progress in Securing the Global
    D F Hartley: The Development of Broadband Research Networking in Europe - The Political Challenges
    A J Herbert: Distributed Computing Meets Telecommunications;  Distributed Computing Meets The Information Highway
    M E Lesk: The Role of Software in Digital Libraries, and the Role of Digital Libraries in Software;  Software Protection: How Much and What Kind
    G M Ringland: The Software Industry Beyond 2000;  The Impact of Digital Information on Society?
    C Simonyi: The Death of Computer Languages, the Birth of Intentional Programming
    B Warboys: The Software Paradigm;  Reflections on the Relationship between BPR and Software Process Modelling

  29. 1996 - Algorithms:

    A Anderson: What Are the Basic Principles for Sorting and Searching
    J Lenstra: Computing Near-Optimal Schedules - and - Job Shop Scheduling by Local Search
    N Lynch: Fault-Tolerant Distributed Computing in Three Timing Models - and - Atomic Objects
    K Mehlhorn: The LEDA Platform for Combinatorial and Geometric Computing
    J Nievergelt: Spatial Data Structures: Concepts and Design Choices
    M Paterson: A Brief History of Selection
    P Raghavan: An Overview of Randomised Algorithms
    V Rayward-Smith: Modern Heuristic Techniques

  30. 1997 - The Web:

    R J Anderson: On the Limits of Steganography;  Security in Clinical Information Systems
    P Cochrane: The Virtual University
    J W Coleman: Strategic And Tactical Uses Of The Web: The Stanford University Libraries Program;   Highwire Press, The Internet Imprint of Stanford University
    D J Farber: The Future of Telecommunications and Networking - An Attempt to Predict the Unpredictable
    W Hall: URLs Considered Harmful: Large Scale Information Management for the Web
    U Manber: Global Web Search
    V Quint: Document Formats for the Web;  Tools for Interactivity on the Web
    S K Shrivastava: Constructing Dependable Web Services
    R Weber: What Are Rights And Why And How Should They Be Managed?;  Distributed Middleware Tools For Trusted Electronic Inter-Actions

  31. 1998 - Software Architecture and Design:

    R Balzer: Instrumented Connectors;  A COTS Infrastructure For Domain Specific Diagram Semantics
    F P Brooks: The Design Of Design;  Evolution of a Software Engineering Laboratory Course
    G Crampton Smith: Artist-Designers and Engineer-Designers;  What You Get Is What You See
    M Jackson: Problem Analysis and Structure
    R E Johnson: Dynamic Object Model
    D E Perry: Generic Architecture Descriptions for Product Lines;  A Product Line Architecture for a Network Product
    M Shaw: Constructing Systems from Parts: What Students Should Learn About Software Architecture;  Architectural Mismatch, Interoperability, and the Prospects for Electronic Commerce in Software Parts and Services;  A Field Guide to Boxology: Preliminary Classification of Architectural Styles for Software Systems

  32. 1999 - People and Computers:

    P E Agre: An Outline of Social Informatics;  The Problem of Rationality in Computing;  The End of Babbage's Theology
    E H Mamdani: New Services and Their Challenges;  Challenges for the Middleware
    P G Neumann: Illustrative Risks to the Public in the Use of Computer Systems and Related Technology
    W Newman: The Last Piece of the Puzzle: Bringing Interactive System Design into the Engineering Fold
    K Nygaard: Programs, Processes, People, Perspectives - and - What Is Informatics?
    J M Taylor: Engineering the Information Age - The Last Five Years: The Emerging Information Infrastructure & Society;  Engineering the Information Age - Where Next: Information Utilities and Information Appliances
    C Yapp: Learning and the Transition to an Information Society;  Implications for an Information Society

  33. 2000 - Objects and Agents Proceedings:

    M Fisher: Local Principles of Rational Agents
    D B Lange: Voice Agents;  Mobile Agent Structures
    A Sloman: Intelligent Beasts and Artefacts - or - How to Turn Philosophers of Mind into Engineers;  Sim-Agents, A Toolkit for Philosophers and Engineers
    R J Stroud: Using Reflection as a Mechanism for Enforcing Security Polices in Mobile Code
    B Thomsen:
    J Waldo: Mobile Code, Distributed Computing and Agents
    A Watson: Non-Terminating Arguments in Distributed Object Architecture
    D Wood: Software Opportunities and Problems Posed by Wireless Information Devices;  Use of Objects and Agents at Symbian
    L Cardelli

  34. 2001 - Dependability:

    H Kopetz: Hard Real-Time Systems I;  Hard Real-Time Systems II
    J-C Laprie: Dependability - Concepts, State-Of-The-Art, Challenges;  Modelling Computer Systems Evolutions
    B Littlewood: Probability Models for Design Diversity;  How Proabilistic Diversity Modelling Can Help To Formalise th SE Process
    R M Needham: Satan and Murphy;  Security - A Technical Problem or a People Problem
    B Randell: Facing Up To Faults
    J M Rushby: Assurance for Dependable Systems (Disappearing Formal Methods);  Using Model Checking to Help Discover Confusions And Other Automation Surprises
    F B Schneider: Design And Deployment Of COCA;  The Case For Language-Based Security
    E S Page