Publication List Makefiles

My publication lists are produced by an increasingly baroque sets of Makefiles based around bibtex2html. There has been (a little) bit of interest in these, so I thought I would put them online.

Essentially, I have a series of filters which do the following:

I wrote these over a number of years, which is why they are so bizarre.


## First we need to hack the src bib file, to produce out something with an
## apppropriate download location.
## Need to refactor this into a external file, because this is getting daft.
## At the same time I can refactor this to blitz journal and page data which
## is not important.
%.out.bib: %.bib
	cat $< | ./ > $@

#	cp $< ../$<

## next we actually need to do the bibtex2html thing. We are using -nodoc as
## we are going to incorporate this into another file, and have added some
## extra link types. The TMPDIR thing is a workaround for linux.cs which is
## running an old version of bibtex2html %.out.bib
	export TMPDIR=.;\
	bibtex2html -nodoc -noabstract -sort-by-date --reverse-sort \
	-s abbrv -nf script "script" -nf slides "slides" \
	-nf inmem "in memoriam" -nf ppt "powerpoint" \
	--macros-from macros.tex \
	-nf link "link" -nofooter -nf f1000 "Faculty of 1000" \
        -nf hdl "hdl" -nf blog "blog" \
	-nf arxiv "arXiv" \
	-suffix -nokeywords ./$<
	#dos2unix $@
	 #	-nf doi "doi" \

## having done all of this, and feeling very clever with myself, I
## realise that all of the links to the bib file have been broken, so
## I need to hack them back in. Also I want each file to have its own
## section. So hack that back in.
	perl -p -e 's#["].*out_bib[.]part[.]ht#"./publications-bib.html#' \
	$< > $@
	echo "<h1>" > $@
        ## Upper case and remove underscores to make it look pretty
	echo $* | perl -p -e 's#_# #' | perl -p -e 's/\b(\w)/\U$$1/g' >> $@
	echo "</h1>" >> $@
#	echo "<a href=\""$*".src.bib\">[All as bib]</a>" >> $@

BIBFILES_BODY = journal_papers books conference_papers grants
BIBFILES_BODY_OTHERS = popular_press programme_committees invited_presentations journal_reviewing others 

BIBFILES_SRC := $(addsuffix .bib, $(BIBFILES_BODY)) $(addsuffix .bib, $(BIBFILES_BODY_OTHERS))
BIBFILES_OUT_BIB := $(addsuffix .out.bib, $(BIBFILES_BODY)) $(addsuffix .out.bib, $(BIBFILES_BODY_OTHERS))


all: ../ ../ macros.tex bibliography.pdf  Makefile-generated \
	../bibliography.bib Makefile

## Add an appropriate title to the HTML page, and then cat everything
## into one big ht file in the directory above. We can also combine
## this with the generating the linked to bib file, as that will also
## be out of date
	cat $(foreach file,$(BIBFILES_FIXED),$(patsubst,,$(file)) $(file)) > ../
        ## perl can't filter back into the same file it comes from. As I have two names 
        ## filter to one file then back again. 	
	perl -p -e 's#P[.]&nbsp;Lord#<strong>P.&nbsp;Lord</strong>#' ../ > ../
	perl -p -e 's#P[.]W[.]Lord#<strong>P.W.&nbsp;Lord</strong>#' ../ > ../
	rm ../
	## delete this to ensure it gets regenerated above
	-rm ../publications.html
	-rm ../publications-bib.html

	cat $(foreach file,$(BIBFILES_FIXED_OTHERS),$(patsubst,,$(file)) $(file)) > ../
        ## perl can't filter back into the same file it comes from. As I have two names 
        ## filter to one file then back again. 	
	perl -p -e 's#P[.]&nbsp;Lord#<strong>P.&nbsp;Lord</strong>#' ../ > ../
	perl -p -e 's#P[.]W[.]Lord#<strong>P.W.&nbsp;Lord</strong>#' ../ > ../
	rm ../
	## delete this to ensure it gets regenerated above
	-rm ../publications_others.html

	cat $(patsubst,,$(BIBFILES_FIXED)) > ../
	cat $(patsubst,,$(BIBFILES_FIXED_OTHERS)) >> ../

## want to add a sorted by year is the command line to sort referred publications by year. 
#bib2bib -ob 2006.bib -c 'year=2006' journal_papers.out.bib conference_papers.out.bib

../bibliography.bib: $(BIBFILES_OUT_BIB)
	cat $(BIBFILES_OUT_BIB) > ../bibliography.bib

clean: Makefile-generated
	-rm ../publications*.ht
	-rm bibliography.pdf
	-rm bibliography_tmp*
	-rm Makefile-generated
	-rm webbib_tmp.bst
	-rm *
	-rm *
	-rm *
	-rm *.out.bib
	-rm *
	-rm -f *log

## generate the rest of the make file. There must
## be an easier way to do this. 
Makefile-generated: Makefile 
	./ $(BIBFILES_BODY) $(BIBFILES_BODY_OTHERS) > Makefile-generated

include Makefile-generated

## And this little bit is unrelated to all the rest...
bibliography.pdf: bibliography.tex $(BIBFILES_SRC) webbib_tmp.bst
	cp $< bibliography_tmp.tex	
	#perl -p -e's#webbib#webbib_tmp#' bibliography_tmp.tex  > bibliography_tmp.tex.tmp
	#mv bibliography_tmp.tex.tmp bibliography_tmp.tex
	-rm bibliography_tmp.aux
	pdflatex bibliography_tmp
	bibtex bibliography_tmp
        # hack my name
	perl -p -e's#(P[a-zA-Z~ .]*Lord)#\\textbf{$$1}#' bibliography_tmp.bbl > bibliography_tmp.bbl.tmp
        # hack underscores in DOI's
	perl -p -e's#([0-9]+)_([0-9]+)#$$1\\_$$2#' bibliography_tmp.bbl.tmp > bibliography_tmp.bbl
	pdflatex bibliography_tmp
	pdflatex bibliography_tmp
	cp bibliography_tmp.pdf bibliography.pdf

webbib_tmp.bst: webbib_generated.bst
	cp $< webbib_tmp.bst

Disclaimer: This is my personal website, and represents my opinion. My formal pages and those of the school and university are linked above.