Contact Details
My work address is:-
Phillip Lord
Claremont Tower
School of Computing Science
Newcastle University
United Kingdom
+44 (0) 191 208 7827
Fax: +44 (0) 191 222 8232
Twitter: phillord

If you need to find my at a conference and the front page portrait is too artistic, then this is what I look like. I usually go by my shortened name "Phil Lord", which I am putting here in the hope that the search engines will pick it up!
My current GPG key is 4096R/3FB1EAD2 with a fingerprint of 8E64 B119 FE4B AC58 C767 D5EC E095 C1A6 3FB1 EAD2
Older keys are:
4096R/D1D046BD with a fingerprint of
8493 0FFB 79B6 45F7 DEA2 9AD0 AC6D D3FF D1D0 46BD
1024D/60C3B396 with a fingerprint of
8352 2404 7598 ECBC 61A1 DA34 5FE9 658D 60C3 B396
Disclaimer: This is my personal website, and represents my opinion. My formal pages and those of the school and university are linked above.