Dr. Ben Moszkowski's Publications

[1] Ben Moszkowski, Dimitar P. Guelev, and Martin Leucker. Guest editors' preface to special issue on interval temporal logics. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligences (AMAI), 71(1-3):1-9, 2014. Special issue on interval temporal logics. [ bib | DOI | .pdf ]
[2] Ben Moszkowski. Compositional reasoning using intervals and time reversal. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligences (AMAI), 71(1-3):175-250, 2014. Special issue on interval temporal logics. [ bib | DOI | .pdf ]
[3] Antonio Cau, Helge Janicke, and Ben Moszkowski. Verification and enforcement of access control policies. Formal Methods in System Design, 2013. [ bib | DOI | .pdf ]
[4] Ben Moszkowski. Interconnections between classes of sequentially compositional temporal formulas. Information Processing Letters, 113(9):350-353, 2013. [ bib | DOI | .pdf ]
[5] Ben Moszkowski. A complete axiom system for propositional Interval Temporal Logic with infinite time. Logical Methods in Computer Science, 8(3:10):1-56, 2012. [ bib | DOI | .pdf ]
[6] Ben Moszkowski. Compositional reasoning using intervals and time reversal. In 18th Int'l Symp. on Temporal Representation and Reasoning (TIME 2011), pages 107-114. IEEE Computer Society, 2011. Special track on interval temporal logics. [ bib | DOI ]
[7] Ben Moszkowski. Using temporal logic to analyse temporal logic: A hierarchical approach based on intervals. Journal of Logic and Computation, 17(2):333-409, April 2007. [ bib | DOI | .pdf ]
[8] Ben Moszkowski. A hierarchical analysis of propositional temporal logic based on intervals. In Sergei Artemov, Howard Barringer, Artur S. d'Avila Garcez, Luis C. Lamb, and John Woods, editors, We Will Show Them: Essays in Honour of Dov Gabbay, volume 2, pages 371-440. College Publications (formerly KCL Publications), King's College, London, 2005. [ bib | .ps ]
[9] Ben Moszkowski. A hierarchical completeness proof for Propositional Interval Temporal Logic with finite time. Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics, 14(1-2):55-104, 2004. Special issue on Interval Temporal Logics and Duration Calculi. V. Goranko and A. Montanari, guest editors. [ bib | DOI | .pdf ]
[10] Ben Moszkowski. A hierarchical completeness proof for propositional temporal logic. In Nachum Dershowitz, editor, Verification: Theory and Practice: Essays Dedicated to Zohar Manna on the Occasion of His 64th Birthday, volume 2772 of Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci., pages 480-523. Springer, 2004. [ bib ]
[11] Antonio Cau, Roger Hale, Jordan Dimitrov, Hussein Zedan, , Ben Moszkowski, Manju Manjunathaiah, and Mike Spivey. A compositional framework for hardware/software co-design. Design Automation for Embedded Systems, 6(4):367-399, July 2002. Special Issue on Embedded Systems Design in the UK. [ bib | .ps ]
[12] Ben Moszkowski. An automata-theoretic completeness proof for Interval Temporal Logic (extended abstract). In Ugo Montanari, José Rolim, and Emo Welzl, editors, Proc. 27th Int'l. Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP 2000), volume 1853 of Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci., pages 223-234. Springer, July 2000. [ bib | DOI | .pdf ]
[13] Ben Moszkowski. A complete axiomatization of Interval Temporal Logic with infinite time (extended abstract). In Proc. 15th Ann. IEEE Symp. on Logic in Computer Science (LICS 2000), pages 242-251. IEEE Computer Society Press, June 2000. [ bib | DOI ]
[14] Ben Moszkowski. Compositional reasoning using Interval Temporal Logic and Tempura. In Willem-Paul de Roever, Hans Langmaack, and Amir Pnueli, editors, Compositionality: The Significant Difference, volume 1536 of Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci., pages 439-464, Berlin, 1998. Springer. COMPOS'97 Symposium, Bad Malente, Germany, Sept. 8-12, 1997. [ bib | DOI | .pdf ]
[15] Xiaoshan Li, Antonio Cau, Ben Moszkowski, and Nick Coleman. Proving the correctness of the interlock mechanism in processor design. In Hon F. Li and David K. Probst, editors, Advances in Hardware Design and Verification, pages 2-22, London, 1997. IFIP/Chapman and Hall. IFIP TC10 WG10.5 International Conference on Correct Hardware and Verification Methods (CHARME'97, Montreal, Canada, Oct. 16-18, 1997). [ bib ]
[16] Ben Moszkowski. Using temporal fixpoints to compositionally reason about liveness. In He Jifeng, John Cooke, and Peter Wallis, editors, BCS-FACS 7th Refinement Workshop, electronic Workshops in Computing, London, 1996. BCS-FACS, Springer-Verlag and British Computer Society. [ bib | .pdf | http ]
[17] Ben Moszkowski. The programming language Tempura. Journal of Symbolic Computation, 22(5/6):730-733, November/December 1996. Special issue on Executable Temporal Logics. [ bib | DOI ]
[18] A. Cau, H. Zedan, N. Coleman, and B. Moszkowski. Using ITL and TEMPURA for large scale specification and simulation. In Proc. of the 4th Euromicro Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Processing (Braga, Portugal, Jan. 24-26, 1996), pages 493-500. IEEE Computer Society Press, 1996. [ bib | DOI ]
[19] Ben Moszkowski. Compositional reasoning about projected and infinite time. In Proc. 1st IEEE Int'l Conf. on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS'95), pages 238-245. IEEE Computer Society Press, 1995. Received award for best paper in formal methods track. [ bib | DOI ]
[20] Ben Moszkowski. Some very compositional temporal properties. In E.-R. Olderog, editor, Programming Concepts, Methods and Calculi (PROCOMET'94), volume A-56 of IFIP Transactions, pages 307-326. IFIP, Elsevier Science B.V. (North-Holland), 1994. [ bib | .pdf ]
[21] Roger Hale and Ben C. Moszkowski. Parallel programming in temporal logic. In J. W. de Bakker, A. J. Nijman, and Philip C. Treleaven, editors, PARLE, Parallel Architectures and Languages Europe, Volume II: Parallel Languages, volume 259 of Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci., pages 277-296, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, June 1987. Springer. [ bib | DOI ]
[22] Ben Moszkowski. Executing Temporal Logic Programs. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England, 1986. [ bib | .pdf ]
[23] Ben Moszkowski. A temporal analysis of some concurrent systems. In B. T. Denvir, W. T. Harwood, M. I. Jackson, and M. J. Wray, editors, The Analysis of Concurrent Systems, volume 207 of Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci., pages 359-364, Berlin, 1985. springer. [ bib | DOI ]
[24] Ben Moszkowski. A temporal logic for multilevel reasoning about hardware. Computer, 18:10-19, 1985. [ bib | DOI ]
[25] Ben Moszkowski and Zohar Manna. Reasoning in Interval Temporal Logic. In Edmund Clarke and Dexter Kozen, editors, Proc. Workshop on Logics of Programs, Pittsburgh, PA, June, 1983, volume 164 of Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci., pages 371-382, Berlin, 1984. Springer. [ bib | DOI ]
[26] Joseph Halpern, Zohar Manna, and Ben Moszkowski. A hardware semantics based on temporal intervals. In J. Diaz, editor, Proc. 10th Int'l. Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP '83), volume 154 of Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci., pages 278-291, Berlin, July 1983. Springer. [ bib | DOI ]
[27] Ben Moszkowski. Reasoning about Digital Circuits. PhD thesis, Department of Computer Science, Stanford University, June 1983. Technical report STAN-CS-83-970. [ bib ]
[28] Ben Moszkowski. A temporal logic for multi-level reasoning about hardware. In Proc. 6th Int'l. Symp. on Computer Hardware Description Languages, pages 79-90, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1983. North-Holland Pub. Co. [ bib ]

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