
I've been an avid user of fusesmb for a while. I found it to be very good, but a little hard to set up. For no readily apparent reason, it has stopped working for me.

So, now I am trying out sshfs instead. This worked better than fusesmb anyway — in particular directory listing was much quicker which was a real problem with fusesmb. However, I had a major problem which was that rsync did not work to a sshfs mounted directory. I got a wierd error about file renaming. This was a hassle — I use rsync quite a lot. In particular the —delete option is great for websites which I develop in one place, and publish to another.

Anyway, I found the solution today. Delightfully, it is this. Instead of mounting with sshfs, you add a new option to get sshfs -o workaround=rename. It's rare that you see such a honest command line...



I've been looking through the stats created by workrave. I'm slightly surprised to find that I make between 16 and 45,000 keystrokes per day (on my desktop at work — more if I include home). And around half a kilometre of mouse movement.

That's a lot.



I was most entertained my Lord Falconers technically illiterate idea: that online news resources should remove prejudicial information about individuals during trials.

Pretty stupid idea. Apart from the technically difficult task of working out when a web page is about a particular individual, it seems to ignore the reality of the internet — that's is a global resource and British law does not affect it all. Asides from aggregator and archiving sites like, which would have to remove, and then reinstate potentially thousands of websites per day.

Suggesting that we pass new rules, attempting to put the genie back in the bottle, lacks any sense at all. Perhaps not a surprise from a judge.


Sourceforge Marketplace

Well, I understand that they want to make some cash, but the sourceforge marketplace dialogue that keeps on popping up is quickly becoming more annoying that the Clippy.

Get rid of it. I only want to say go away once at most.


Page by Phillip Lord
Disclaimer: This is my personal website, and represents my opinion.