
And permalinks added. I wonder if I can get myself named as a DOI or LSID authority, then I can immortalise my thoughts forever into the future.


It's all go here

In a fit of paranoia, I have decided to add a disclaimer to the bottom of all my web pages, including this one. This is probably unnecessary and legally pointless, but no one can blame me for not trying. For my next trick, I was thinking of fiddling with my stylesheets; quite a few dim-witted friends of mine have asked me whether I was colour blind, not aware that this the clash of colours is, in fact, a deeply satirical comment on society, the role of education and the monarchy in the 21st century. Suggestions for other possibilities in the colour palette are accepted.


Facebook N^2 problems

The CARMEN project came to a grinding halt this afternoon. We decided to try facebook as a social networking site for the project. It turns out that everyone has to register everyone else as a friend; nice though it is to think that you have lots of friends, Facebook actually requires n squared number of clicks. Poor old Frank, being a young whippersnapper with lots of friends on Facebook, saw his laptop turn into the machine that goes ping as all his mates added him and sent him zombie requests; how does anyone get any work done in these days of social networking.


Comments in place

I've put comments onto the blog now. I've done this using HaloScan which is a javascript based system; I can insert comments without modifying the source of the blog. I'm a little nervous about this; I'd rather have comments under my control, but this seems the easiest way for the moment. It basically seems to work, although I had hoped that the comments would be injected back into the main page; something to work on.

Permalinks come tomorrow. With the comments, I have all the machinary in place that I need for this.


Page by Phillip Lord
Disclaimer: This is my personal website, and represents my opinion.