Firefox irritations

When it first came out, session management was put forward as a feature, but I am starting to think that the inability to turn the damn thing off is actually a bug.

If you turn the OS off, with firefox still running, then it thinks there has been a crash, and offers to open all your pages again which I never want — if I have turned the machine off I am unlikely to remember which pages I had open. If there has been a crash, then having Firefox open all the pages again, one of which made it crash last time, seems like insanity.


Installing Acrobat

Acrobat is a highly irritating application. It always tryies to be smart-ass and does far too much. Today, just trying to download it failed. The adobe site insists on using a download manager, which was just crashing.

Eventually, I managed to get the metadata file that the download manger uses — embedded in this was a URL. 10 seconds later, download complete.

Adobe, sort your life out. I just want to read a document. How hard can that be?


Page by Phillip Lord
Disclaimer: This is my personal website, and represents my opinion.