
Trying this out today. Not working either. I think at heart it's my SMB configuration that is hosed rather than anything else.


Autofs and others

Now trying out autofs — the cifs filesystems don't umount cleanly and autofs seemed like a nicer solution. Anyway, it looks like it's working — autofs and mount all show the right thing — but I can't cd into the directory.

One of the things that I liked most about windows, which I can't get to work under linux is start or from cygwin cygstart — which does all the right things with paths. Basically, it means "do the right thing with this file"; so start hello.txt will open hello.txt in Notepad or Emacs. On linux nautilus . works for directories but fails for files.


Told a lie

Today was no end of hassle as I tried to get SMB shares mounted — the problem here seems to be that it needs IP numbers; then I tried to get latex installed — tetex is broken, as you need to put the main directory in TEXINPUTS, TeXLive just doesn't install; and finally a recurring problem with vmware server which I think I have solved (removing vmware player services), but won't know till the reboot. Hmmm.


Back from Holiday, Linuxed up

I took the advantage of having not being in the middle of anything as a result of coming back from holiday to move to linux, and am not typing this on Ubuntu. A few things to do yet — not least getting my website generation working, so this blog may appear several days after I type it.

It's all gone reasonably smoothly so far. Took lots of running of unison. Got my email running today; some 350 mails in main box, with around 1000 in total (plus another 2000 spam). Hmmm, lots to read.


Page by Phillip Lord
Disclaimer: This is my personal website, and represents my opinion.