Dr Andrew Stephen MCGough


Current Academic Post

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External positions of responsibility

Academic Qualifications

Non-Academic Qualifications

Work Experience

Voluntury Work Experience




Work Experience

September 2004 - August 2005
Assistant Warden Beit Hall. Beit Hall was a large hall of residence hosing over 300 students. The Assistant Warden is responsible for pastoral care and discipline of all students within the hall. The Assistant Warden is also responsible for representing the students in the hall and as a representative of the college to the students.
August 2001 - August 2004
Assistant Warden Brabazon House. Brabazon house is a small hall of residence catering for seventy students. Due to the size of the hall there is no Warden and the Assistant Warden takes on the role of Warden. The Assistant Warden is responsible for pastoral care and discipline of all students within the hall. The Assistant Warden is also responsible for representing the students in the hall and as a representative of the college to the students.
    September 2001 - September 2005:
Running an annual, one week, MPI Course in Imperial College London. Teaching RA and lecturers the MPI (Message Passing Interface) toolkit that allows the programming of parallel computers.

    September 2002 - November 2003:
Coordinating and running the UK e-Science Stand at SuperComputing. Responsible for designing, purchasing and installing the computer equipment for the UK stand at SC2002 & SC2003. Also took a role in the design and layout of the stand.

    August 2002 - Present:
Co-Chair of the GGF working group into Job Submission Description Language. The Global Grid Forum aims to develop standards for grid middleware between different Grid organizations to foster interoptability. The Job Submission Description Language working group aims to define a common language for defining how to start a job on a remote resource.

    Easter 2001 - August 2001:
        Subwarden Willis Jackson and Holbein Hall. This included a pastoral role with students within the hall of residence, along with a disciplinary role to deal with problems as they occurred.

     October 1998 - September 2000:
        Part time Lecturer: Newcastle College. Teaching a foundation course in the computing language Java to evening class students with a wide range of abilities. This has included the writing of the course material, presentation and lecturing of the material to the students along with assessing and marking of student work.

    October 1999 - September 2000:
        Help desk advisor for Newcastle University computing service. This position required the advisor to be present in one of the computer cluster rooms to deal with questions and problems raised by people using the room.

    October 1997 - September 2000:
        Demonstrating for Undergraduate courses in the areas of Programming, Networks, Databases and Operating Systems. This has included lab practical guidance, marking and lecturing.

September 1999 - July 2000:
        Senior Sub-warden at Castle Leazes Halls of Residence. In addition to the duties required for a sub-warden (outlined below) this also included the organization of the duty timetable for the sub-wardens, deputizing for the warden when he/she was not available and managing disputes that arose between staff and Subwardens.

September 1995 - July 1999:
        Sub-warden at Ethel Williams Hall of Residence. This included a pastoral role with a group of students within the hall of residence along with a disciplinary role to deal with problems as they occurred.

September 1994 - July 1995:
        Teaching: Roseberry Comprehensive School. Co. Durham. Teaching Mathematics to children aged 11 to 18. This included both mixed ability and streamed set teaching.