Dr Andrew Stephen MCGough


Current Academic Post

Previous AcademicPosts


Project Funding

External positions of responsibility

Academic Qualifications

Non-Academic Qualifications

Work Experience

Voluntury Work Experience




Invited Positions

  • Panel member: Libhpc II Project Workshop, Royal Society, 2015
  • Panel member: Research Software Engineering - Imperial College London, 2016

Current Positions of External Responsabilitys

  • General Chair Energy-SIM 2015-2017

External Comittees

Program Comittees

Session Chair

  • Energy-SIM 2015, 2016
  • DS-RT 2013
  • The UK All Hands Meeting 2005, 2010
  • CGC 2011, 2012
  • Utility Grid Workshop, COMSWARE 2006, New Delhi

Paper Reviewing

  • CloudCom 2010, 2012
  • e-Science 2005
  • ICSE 2005
  • IEEE Distributed Systems
  • IEEE Distributed Systems
  • IEEE Systems Journal
  • International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications
  • Journal of Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience
  • Journal of Grid Computing
  • Journal of Information Sciences
  • Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing
  • Phil Trans A
  • Sustainable Computing Informatics and Systems
  • System and Information Sciences
  • Transactions on Cloud Computing
  • Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems
  • Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology
  • UCC 2011
  • WSES06

Previous external positions of responsibility

  • Review pannel member: EGEE NA3, NeSC Edinburgh, April 2005.
  • Member of the GridNet2 Advisory Board.
  • Lecturer at the International Summer School on Grid Computing 2006 & 2007
  • Co-Chair Global Grid Forum working Group: Job Submission Description Language.
  • Member of the OMII UK Technical Advisory Group
  • OMII UK Product/Area Liasons for GridSAM
  • Member of the GridQTL Scientific Advisory Board