Dr Andrew Stephen MCGough


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I have developed a strong interest in off road mountain biking in the last few years, joining in with a group of friends from the Reading area. We go on regular cycles, normally covering around 30 miles. I also enjoy weekends away cycling and have entered a number of off road cycling competitions.
I am a keen walker and have regularly visited the Lake District for walking trips with groups of friends. I have also taken a number of long distance walking holidays. I try to follow a healthy lifestyle partaking in swimming, running and use of the local gym.
I have had a keen interest in photography for many years, after joining a photographic club at school. My interest is in taking and developing photographs and the manipulation of these photographs. In recent years I have started to experiment with digital photography and picture manipulation. In 1992 my knowledge of photography was put to use when I was chosen as the official photographer for the North East Scouts and Guide “Water for Africa” project (where I was also an assistant leader). The project was to build a health clinic in the foothills of Mt Kenya in a location approximately 150 miles from the nearest hospital.
I have had the opportunity over the years to travel to many places around the world, which has given me a keen interest in visiting remote and inaccessible places. Some of the places I have managed to visit include remote sections of Africa and China.