Dr Andrew Stephen MCGough


Current Academic Post

Previous AcademicPosts


Project Funding

External positions of responsibility

Academic Qualifications

Non-Academic Qualifications

Work Experience

Voluntury Work Experience




Voluntury Work Experience

    1990 - 1999
TOC-H Summer projects for deprived children from the Sunderland and Newcastle Area. This involved taking groups of children who would otherwise not have a summer holiday away on a week long trip. Projects included those for the younger children based around staying in hostel type accommodation and visiting local attractions and trips away with the army youth team for older children.  The older children would stay in tents and take part in adventurous activities including climbing, gorge walking and hiking. Work for TOC-H also included projects for the elderly and designing leaflets.

    28th February - 27th May 1994
Teaching Practice Parkside Comprehensive School, Willington Co. Durham. This included the teaching of Mathematics to classes in the secondary and sixth form age range.

    28th February - 27th May 1994
Teaching Practice Queen Mary’s Sixth-form Darlington, Co. Durham. This included the teaching of Mathematics to classes in the sixth form age range.

    15th November - 14th December 1993
Teaching Practice St. Bede’s R.C. Comprehensive Peterlee. This included the teaching of Mathematics to classes in the secondary age range.

    Summer 1992
Assistant leader on the 1992 Scout Water for Africa project (special responsibilities in photography). This project was to a remote area in the foothills of Mt Kenya to build a health clinic for the locals. The clinic took nearly a month to construct by a group of thirty scouts and guides. I was given responsibility to photograph the progress of this work.

    October 1991 - June 1993
Film Making and showing. Posts held: Publicity Officer & Chief Projectionist, Durham University. This included generating the weekly posters to advertise the forthcoming film and flyers, producing enough to cover the whole University – some 100 posters and 400 flyers - along with distribution over the university. The projectionist role included projection of film in both 16mm and 35mm format along with the use of Dolby Stereo.

    October 1992 - June 1993
Diving Club Durham University. Posts held: Equipment Officer. The equipment officer was responsible for maintaining the club equipment and lecturing new divers on the correct use of this equipment.

    October 1986 - October 1990
Venture Scouts group Sunderland. Posts held: Chairman and Quartermaster.

    September 1989 - June 1990
Organised School Swimming Club. The school had access to a swimming pool but was unable to provide a member of staff qualified to run the swimming club. I was able to provide this qualification.

    October 1990 - June 1991
Mayors Award Scheme, Durham. The Mayors Award Scheme was designed as a pre-Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. The project was organized through students from Durham University who visited local schools to encourage the children to take active roles in community activity and learning.

    September 1989 - September 1990
Assistant Scout Leader, Sunderland Unit. This involved the organizing of events and the regular weekly meetings and training of scouts.

    October 1986 - September 1991
Friend of Beamish. (Open Air Museum). This involved project work for Beamish Museum ranging from construction work and restoration, through to research projects.