The Morning after...

Yes, now I am 35. Years ending in 5 and 0 are always difficult ones. This one makes me, now, well on the way to middle age.

Ah, well, there's nothing that I can do about it, so why worry?


Walking and Cleaning

While I was out walking yesterday, up around Northumbria with my friend, Ian, I realised two things: first was that Ian and myself hadn't been on a walk together since before I went to Edinburgh, more than fifteen years ago; second, that I didn't know how to clean the pipe of a water skin. These things are great in general, but can be tricky to clean, and you have to remember to empty the water and dry them. Last time I walked, I left some water trapped in the pipe and it went green. How to clean it?

So, here is my solution: cut a piece of cotton thread about three times the length of the pipe; about half way down tie a small piece (about 2cm) of hemp string or something similar; feed the end of the thread into the pipe — getting a couple of cm's is easy, more is hard; now, dribble water through the pipe. The point is that the flowing water removes the friction between the thread and the edge of the pipe, and slowly pulls the thread through; you just have to feed the slack. When it's all the way through, you can pull the string into the pipe; again, keep the water flowing or at least full of water. You can use the string to scrub the insides.


Edinburgh Past

Fell across my old flat mates tour of Virtual Edinburgh today. I had some good times in the flat there, although it used to get into a real mess. This picture of the bathroom; the bit which says "if anyone stays in too long" largely refers to me.



Spent some time in Manchester; I went down mostly for the BioPAX meeting. They are hoping to use the formal semantics of OWL, within the BioPAX encoding, which the current versions do not. I think that the difficultly is going to be deciding what should be represented in OWL and where is should be used as a surface syntax.

It was lovely to see everybody again. I even got to buy some cake as I had a paper accepted last Wednesday.


Choose your Friends

I decided, yesterday, that I would let my brother in on the journal; in general, I haven't been telling many people about it. While I might have been hoping that the world at large was about to discover a Samuel Pepys for the new millenium, I wasn't entirely to give up the day job. Still, I might have hoped that my brother's first opinion hadn't included adjectives such as "pompous" and "muiresque" (as in, like Frank Muir).

Well, what can I say? Ever has the path of the true genius been strewn with the yapping and braying of those snapping at their heals. But I shall continue, I shall persevere and broadcast my words to the unfeeling ether of cyberspace that surrounds us!


Video Nasties

Following yesterdays road scraping, I've decided to commemorate the occasion with a gallery, named after a band I've been getting into recently. So, I proudly announce the Bruise Armada. I will update it over the couple of weeks.


Young at Heart

Well, having felt middle-aged in my last entry, today I feel rejuvenated and young. Just to prove that I can be foolhardy and idiotic, I fell of my bike during an overtaking manoeuvre of quite staggering incompetence. It's nice to know that I can still engage in fits of youthful over-exuberance. Kind of knackered the bike up though.

The image is included as my contribution to medical science. Ouch. Thanks is due to man I was overtaking, who helped me up; particularly nice, as I almost bought him off.


Page by Phillip Lord
Disclaimer: This is my personal website, and represents my opinion.