Day 8 Evening

Now the scabs are starting to fall of as well.

Day 6 Day

What remains is not fairly well hidden beneath my beard; guess I'll have to let this grow for the next week or two.

Day 4 Evening

In the IBIS in Manchester, the healing is obvious now; I spent the day with Chloramphenical paraffin wax drippling off my face. It seems to work really well though, softening the scabs. This is my face

My eye, on the other hand, has gone all the colours of the rainbox.

Day 2 Evening

Went to the plastics outpatients today. They gave me a sterile scrubber which is, well, what it sounds like. Its got a spongy bit on one side and then a load of prongs on the other; happily, they are softer than they look. I had most fun with the digger though; this looks like one of those cheapo plastic ice cream scoops, but smaller. I used it to pick several bits out of the wounds, but they turned out to be blood clots rather than bits of road.

Most of the oozy bits you can see are actually the antibiotic cream they gave me, which is dribbling down my chin as I speak. But, hey, I'm still having fun.

Day 2

My eye has now come up nicely; I was to spend the day with it half shut. My forehead is less bad than I thought.

Day 1 Evening

Good view of the raw wounds here.

Day 1

Everything still weaping.

Page by
Phillip Lord
Disclaimer: This is my personal website, and represents my opinion.
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