Cats in the Rain

Watched Breakfast at Tiffany's today. It was great. It only feels a little aged, mostly in the styles and some of the attitudes, but the core of it remains. Audrey Hepburn is stunning and George Peppard endearing — you want him to succeed — although you keep expecting him to pull out a cigar, smirk at the camera and say "I love it when a plan comes together".

As it happens, he gets the girl, so I guess it does.


Crotchity Old Man

Went to the theatre for the first time in ages, to see Mike Leigh's 2000 Years. I've not been to the Royal Theatre in Newcastle before — it's quite an impressive building but the seats are uncomfortable and the acoustics aren't great.

The play was good. The father was great, being a crotchity old man of the type that I hope to grow old to be. It was rather like his earlier films; lots of middle class people, all of whom seem to have developed a particularly good line in witty repartee for no adequately explained reason.

But you can forgive anybody who can finish a play discussing the political situation Israel, with a bad pun about Noah.


Page by Phillip Lord
Disclaimer: This is my personal website, and represents my opinion.