The affy chip in question contains probes from a number of different species besides Soybean. We don't want these in the analysis as they are not relevant. Any results from them will be cross-hybridisation or noise. So, we need to select just those probes that we want.
This section mostly consists of some fairly obscure R manipulations.
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For this section you need two files, firstly SpeciesAffyID.txt and secondly SoybeanCutObjects.RData. Download these first and put then in your working directory. Now, evalutate the following R. ## ## We are trying to do some subsetting because not all of the probes on the ## chip are from soy ## read in another data frame called Species.Affy.ID. ## this links species names to affy ids. Species.Affy.ID <- read.table('SpeciesAffyID.txt', header = T, sep = "") dim(Species.Affy.ID) load( 'SoybeanCutObjects.RData' ) tv.for.glycine.max <- Species.Affy.ID$species == 'Glycine max' table( tv.for.glycine.max ) listOutProbeSets <- Species.Affy.ID$affyID[ tv.for.glycine.max==FALSE ] length( listOutProbeSets ) is.factor( listOutProbeSets ) ## Create a character vector for listOutProbeSets ## One way: rename listOutProbeSets as a character vector listOutProbeSets <- as.character(listOutProbeSets) ## Confirm that listOutProbeSets is a character vector is.character(listOutProbeSets) ## check object soy.ab ## this is the bit which actually removes the stuff we are not intereste RemoveProbes(listOutProbes=NULL, listOutProbeSets, cdfpackagename, probepackagename) ## Check that the object has less IDs now. There should be 37444. soy.ab(Complete File)(Rout) |
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We now want to change some of the metadata associated with the array, again to make the pictures prettier.
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Evaluate the following R. # Start preparation for phenoData slot in AffyBatch object pd <- data.frame(population = c(1,1,1,2,2,2), replicate = c(1,2,3,1,2,3)) # Display contents of pd pd # Assign the sampleNames(soy.ab) to the rownames of pd rownames(pd) <- sampleNames(soy.ab) # Display contents of pd again, notice change in rownames pd ## Continue preparation for phenoData slot metaData <- data.frame(labelDescription = c( 'population', 'replicate' )) ## Establish new phenoData slot phenoData(soy.ab) <- new( 'AnnotatedDataFrame', data = pd, varMetadata = metaData) ## Display pData(soy.ab) pData(soy.ab) ## Display phenoData(soy.ab) phenoData(soy.ab)(Complete File)(Rout) |
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The next set of code does the exciting task of setting up some colour palettes. Remember, black and white is boring.
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palette.gray <- c(rep(gray(0:10/10), times = seq(1,41, by = 4))) library('RColorBrewer') brewer.cols <- brewer.pal(6, 'Set1')(Complete File)(Rout) |