
Communicate with your clients and organise your meetings with KerrMate. Our app makes this easy and accessible so that you can ensure a quality experience for your customers.

Click the button below to download the app:

Main Features

  1. Edit Profile

    Each user has their own account and profile page so that information can be made secure.

  2. View and Add clients

    Your client's information all in one place, so that you can add them to meetings and easily contact them if needed.

  3. Manage and View Meetings

    View information such as who will be present in meetings and its location.

Application Dashboard View
Application Profile View

Your Profile

  1. Sign In

    Sign in to your own personal profile, containing all the meetings you're involved in.

  2. Edit Profile

    So you can make sure your information is up-to-date.

Application Sign in View
Application Sign in View


  1. Add clients and their details

    It's easy to add a client - and it only needs updating in one place.

  2. View contact information

    Useful if you need further correspondence with your client.

Page to view all meetings in app
Page to view the notes for individual


  1. View meeting date, location, and participants

    Making it easy to organise your meetings and ensure you're in the right place at the right time.

  2. View and edit meeting notes

    Add notes during client meetings so that you can refer back to them in the future.

Page to view all meetings in app
Page to view the notes for individual