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CSC8312 -- Bioinformatics Theory and Applications

This module is split into two parts which should support each other. The lectures cover the theoretical underpinning to bioinformatics and systems biology.


The timetable for this module needs a little explanation. First, we have swapped over a lecture and a practical. Second, there are three hours of practicals scheduled a week. Two of these are used regularly, while the last is used on an occasional basis, which we will announce during the module.

Tuesday 9-10 Lecture rm 601
Tuesday 11-12 Lecture rm 601
Thursday 12-1 Practical rm 600
Friday 2-3 Practical rm 600
Friday 4-5 Practical rm 600 (Occasional)


This module is assessed by two pieces of coursework and an exam. The coursework exercises will be released here.

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