Paweł Widera


School of Computing
Newcastle University
1 Science Square
Newcastle, NE4 5TG, UK

Office: 5.014
GPG key: 4096R/BBCFE170

PhD - Univerisity of Nottingham, UK
MSc, BSc - Poznań University of Technology, Poland
Research Interests
bioinformatics, evolutionary algorithms, heuristics and metaheuristics, interactive data visualisation, machine learning
An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a very narrow field.
Niels Bohr
You don't use science to show that you are right, you use science to become right. Randall Munroe
Play Ogg No OOXML! GPLv3 FSF Associate Member #6556


Spotlight Award letter and gift card

11th July 2014

I've received a Spotlight Award in recognition for excellence in software engineering and graphics design related to my work on the ICOS group websites.

view from the tower Claremont Tower

1st October 2013

I've moved up north. After seven years in Nottingham, it was a time for a change. I'm now a researcher at Newcastle University and I continue here the work on network analysis and visualisation. That doesn't mean I'm giving up on the optimisation or evolutionary computations. As time and opportunity allows I will try to use it here and there...

Protein Model Comparator

26th July 2011

I've published on the final version of an article on distributed protein model comparison using the GAE computing platform and its PaaS model. Try the web application and send me your comments :)

prize money cheque

11th July 2010

My work on genetic programming and energy functions for protein structure prediction has won a prestigious 1st prize (gold medal) at the 7th HUMIES awards for human-competitive results produced by genetic end evolutionary computation held at GECCO conference in Portland, USA.

thesis in hard cover

10th May 2010

I've defended my Ph.D. thesis on "Automated design of energy functions for protein structure prediction by means of genetic programming and improved structure similarity assessment".

conference sign receiving the award

15th Novemeber 2006

I've been awarded the best short talk prize at the 5th East Midlands Proteomics Workshop held at Nottingham Trent University.