Reverse and complement a sequence using the BCM search launcher.

The Baylor College of Medicine hosts large number of very useful web based tools that allow sequence manipulation (format conversions, primer selection, reverse & reverse complement, translation), sequence alignments, searches etc. See here for a complete list.

As a introduction to using these tools we will use the BCM search launcher to reverse and complement our glutamate racemase sequence that we retrieved using Entrez or SRS.

Click here to launch the BCM sequence manipulation tools. You will be presented with the sequence utilities main page.

Step 1: Copy the FASTA formatted glutamate racemase sequence to the clipboard from the Word document in which you pasted it earlier. Click here if you forgot to paste it!

Paste the sequence into the large sequence entry text box.

Step 2: Underneath the text box is a series of check buttons that let you choose which utility to use.

As you can see from the Choose utility menu there are a range of useful tools available for use.

In our case we want to reverse and complement our sequence so select Reverse Complement by checking its button. Start the process by clicking on submit. (show me)

Step 3: The reverse and complemented sequence should appear in the browser window (show me).

The sequence can be copied to the clipboard and pasted into your Word document for safe keeping.


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