Punf 8.51 parallel - The changes from the previous release are too many to list. Only the major new features are listed below. - The -M option allows to construct the merged process (experimental feature). It is saved in the *.mp format (description is available). - A new total adequate order is available with the -@4 option. It works best for merged processes. - The implementation of the concurrency relation has been improved, and so is the performance, especially in the parallel mode. - The implementation of the preset trees computation has been improved. - The -# option allows to use non-local configuration as cut-off correspondents; this usually reduces the size of the prefix but requires more computation time. - The unfolding prefix generation for STGs has changed so that the signals enabled (perhaps, via a chain of dummies) by any configuration can be correctly computed, even if some of the cut-offs are dummies. This increases the size of the prefix. This behaviour can be disabled by the -d option. - The -r option allows to replicate Petri net places with multiple self-loops. This transformation can significantly reduce the prefix size. Punf 6.03 sequential - A small bug in the concurrency relation has been fixed. Strangely enough, it didn't show up on 100+ benchmarks I used to test version 6.01. Thanks go to Claus Schroeter for sending a net which revealed this bug. - A lot of code shuffling. - The -c option allowing not to store cut-off events is added. - The -@ option allowing to switch between McMillan's, size-lexicographical and Esparza/Roemer/Vogler's orders on configurations is added. - Punf now tries to identify (using a simple sufficiency test) the nodes in the net which are obviously dead, and removes them before building preset trees and starting to unfold. - Punf now uses a better structure for storing preset trees. Punf 6.01 sequential - A lot of minor improvements and fixes. - The -! option switching off the optimization of preset trees is added (cheap optimisation is performed anyway). - Support for concurrency relation is added. Punf can delete it and switch to a slower algorithm after a specified number of events has been generated (controlled by the -n option). - Support for STGs is added with a cut-off criterion taking into account not just final markings but also the final codes. - Support for high-level Petri nets (M-nets) is added (experimental feature). Punf 5.10 sequential - The first official release.