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CSC8309 -- Gene Expression and Proteomics


This module provides an introduction to gene expression and proteomics. In particular, as you might expect, we will focus on the bioinformatics analyses rather than the experimental side, although we will talk about experimental design.

Gene Expression and Proteomics

This years module will be taught by Phillip Lord (PL), Simon Cockell (SJC) of the Bioinformatics Support Unit.


This module is assessed entirely through coursework. The deadline for both assessments will be the last day of the 3 week module. The assessment will consist of two pieces of work, one relating to the microarray practical, one relating to the proteomics practical.

Both assessments will take the form of a 4 page report. As normal, this should be submitted according to the author guidelines for Bioinformatics. The page limit is strict, and is not a reflection on the amount of effort that should be put into the work.


Tue 29/01 12-14 Introduction, PL
Tue 29/01 15-16 Experimental Design, SJC
Wed 30/01 09-10 Gene Expression Technology, PL
Wed 30/01 10-11 Sources of Variability, PL
Mon 04/02 09-13* Microarray Practical PL, MB
Tue 05/02 12-14 Proteomics SJC
Wed 06/02 09-11 Paper Analysis/Data Standards PL
Mon 11/02 09-13* Proteomics Practical SJC
Tue 12/02 12-14 Case Studies (SJC)
Wed 13/02 09-13 Support Session
Fri 15/02 09-13 Support Session

For both practical sessions, support will be from the start of the day (9am), and you should arrive at this time. For the proteomics practical, Simon will be present in the morning, and we expect that you will be able to finish the practical in this time. For the microarray practical, Simon and I will be present from 9am to 1pm.

Most people should be able to complete within this time, but we do not guarantee this. The work of the practical may take longer, and you should schedule for the entire day.

Lecture notes

Any Lecture Notes will appear here.

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