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This will make a network connection first time > ## around and can be slow. > soy.ab AffyBatch object size of arrays=1164x1164 features (8 kb) cdf=Soybean (61170 affyids) number of samples=6 number of genes=61170 annotation=soybean notes= > > ## Check out the names of the samples. > sampleNames( soy.ab ) [1] "GSM209576.CEL.gz" "GSM209585.CEL.gz" "GSM209594.CEL.gz" "GSM209577.CEL.gz" [5] "GSM209586.CEL.gz" "GSM209595.CEL.gz" > > > > ## as the current sample names refer to the original files, we change this for > ## something more, er, easy to remember. > new.sampleNames <- c('hr.a3.12','hr.b3.12','hr.c3.12', + 'ts.a4.12','ts.b4.12','ts.c4.12') > sampleNames(soy.ab) <- new.sampleNames > > ## and check that it has worked > sampleNames( soy.ab ) [1] "hr.a3.12" "hr.b3.12" "hr.c3.12" "ts.a4.12" "ts.b4.12" "ts.c4.12" > > > > ## > ## We are trying to do some subsetting because not all of the probes on the > ## chip are from soy > > > ## read in another data frame called Species.Affy.ID. > ## this links species names to affy ids. > Species.Affy.ID <- read.table('SpeciesAffyID.txt', header = T, sep = "") > dim(Species.Affy.ID) [1] 61170 2 > > > > load( 'SoybeanCutObjects.RData' ) > > tv.for.glycine.max <- Species.Affy.ID$species == 'Glycine max' > table( tv.for.glycine.max ) tv.for.glycine.max FALSE TRUE 23426 37744 > listOutProbeSets <- Species.Affy.ID$affyID[ tv.for.glycine.max==FALSE ] > > length( listOutProbeSets ) [1] 23426 > is.factor( listOutProbeSets ) [1] TRUE > > ## Create a character vector for listOutProbeSets > ## One way: rename listOutProbeSets as a character vector > listOutProbeSets <- as.character(listOutProbeSets) > > ## Confirm that listOutProbeSets is a character vector > is.character(listOutProbeSets) [1] TRUE > > ## check object > soy.ab AffyBatch object size of arrays=1164x1164 features (8 kb) cdf=Soybean (61170 affyids) number of samples=6 number of genes=61170 annotation=soybean notes= > > > ## this is the bit which actually removes the stuff we are not intereste > RemoveProbes(listOutProbes=NULL, listOutProbeSets, cdfpackagename, probepackagename) > > ## Check that the object has less IDs now. There should be 37444. > soy.ab AffyBatch object size of arrays=1164x1164 features (8 kb) cdf=Soybean (37744 affyids) number of samples=6 number of genes=37744 annotation=soybean notes= > > # Start preparation for phenoData slot in AffyBatch object > pd <- data.frame(population = c(1,1,1,2,2,2), replicate = c(1,2,3,1,2,3)) > > # Display contents of pd > pd population replicate 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 3 4 2 1 5 2 2 6 2 3 > > # Assign the sampleNames(soy.ab) to the rownames of pd > rownames(pd) <- sampleNames(soy.ab) > > # Display contents of pd again, notice change in rownames > pd population replicate hr.a3.12 1 1 hr.b3.12 1 2 hr.c3.12 1 3 ts.a4.12 2 1 ts.b4.12 2 2 ts.c4.12 2 3 > > ## Continue preparation for phenoData slot > metaData <- data.frame(labelDescription = c( 'population', 'replicate' )) > > ## Establish new phenoData slot > phenoData(soy.ab) <- new( 'AnnotatedDataFrame', data = pd, varMetadata = metaData) > > ## Display pData(soy.ab) > pData(soy.ab) population replicate hr.a3.12 1 1 hr.b3.12 1 2 hr.c3.12 1 3 ts.a4.12 2 1 ts.b4.12 2 2 ts.c4.12 2 3 > > ## Display phenoData(soy.ab) > phenoData(soy.ab) An object of class "AnnotatedDataFrame" rowNames: hr.a3.12, hr.b3.12, ..., ts.c4.12 (6 total) varLabels and varMetadata description: population: population replicate: replicate > > palette.gray <- c(rep(gray(0:10/10), times = seq(1,41, by = 4))) > > library('RColorBrewer') > brewer.cols <- brewer.pal(6, 'Set1') > > > ## Now we want to look at the images of the chips. Basically, we are looking > ## for something unusual here; one chip too bright for example. > > ## Construct image plots for quality control assessment > ## Note: that these plots appear dark; they are not log transformed > par(oma = c(1,1,3,1)) > par(mfrow = c(2,3)) > > > palette.gray <- c(rep(gray(0:10/10), times = seq(1,41, by = 4))) > image(soy.ab[,1], transfo = function(x) x, col = palette.gray) > image(soy.ab[,2], transfo = function(x) x, col = palette.gray) > image(soy.ab[,3], transfo = function(x) x, col = palette.gray) > image(soy.ab[,4], transfo = function(x) x, col = palette.gray) > image(soy.ab[,5], transfo = function(x) x, col = palette.gray) > image(soy.ab[,6], transfo = function(x) x, col = palette.gray) > mtext ("> image(soy.ab[,i=1:6], transfo = function(x) x, col = palette.gray)", side = 3, outer = T, cex = .8) > > > ## Construct individual image plots using log intensities > ## Note: that these plots appear lighter; they are log transformed > ## > ## This allows us to see a single microarray chip. > par(mfrow = c(1,1)) > > palette.gray <- c(rep(gray(0:10/10), times = seq(1,41, by = 4))) > image(soy.ab[,1], col = palette.gray) > title(sub = "> image(soy.ab[,1], col = palette.gray)") > > ## Repeat above commands with .. soy.ab[,i], i = 2-6 > > ## Display all six log-transformed image plots in one plot > par(oma = c(3,1,3,1)) > par(mfrow = c(2,3)) > image(soy.ab[,1], col = palette.gray) > image(soy.ab[,2], col = palette.gray) > image(soy.ab[,3], col = palette.gray) > image(soy.ab[,4], col = palette.gray) > image(soy.ab[,5], col = palette.gray) > image(soy.ab[,6], col = palette.gray) > mtext("Image Plots - Hawaii/Resistant vs. Taiwan/Susceptible", side = 3, outer = T) > mtext("Top Row: Hawaii/Resistant - Bottom Row: Taiwan/Susceptible", side = 1, outer = T) > > ## Reset to single screen. > par(mfrow = c(1,1)) > > > warnings() Warning message: xy2i is deprecated and will be removed in the next BioC release. Use xy2indices in the affy package instead. >