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CSC8312 -- Bioinformatics Theory and Applications

Write an essay describing the technology and application of next generation sequencing. Include in the review, a detailed description of one specific biological application of this technology using a paper (or closely related series of papers) that you have found from PubMed or similar.

Comment on the challenges that Next Generation Sequencing is placing on conventional bioinformatics technologies.

Marks will be awarded for:

It is VERY important that use references and citations correctly and do not copy material from other sources without correctly citing it. Please see the University information on plagiarism.

This assignment will comprise 10% of the total coursework marks for the module.


A finished paper produced in the "Original Paper" style of the Bioinformatics journal. You can see some examples of the style at There are templates for submission that you should use.

The paper should obey a strict 6 page limit. People exceeding this page limit will be penalised. You must obey the style guide lines for bioinformatics — you should not shrink font sizes.

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