

[1] N. Krasnogor, P. Lio, G.Nicosia, C.A. Coello-Coello, J.Greensmith and M.Pavone, editors. 11th International Conference on Artificial Immune Systems (ICARIS 2012), volume 7597 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, 2012. [ bib | http | .pdf ]
[2] N. Krasnogor, editor. Genetics and Evolutionary Computation Conference Proceedings (GECCO 2011). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2011. [ bib ]
[3] D.A. Pelta, N. Krasnogor, D. Dumitrescu, C. Chira, and R. Lung, editors. Nature Inspired Cooperative Strategies for Optimization (NICSO 2011), volume 387 of Studies in Computational Intelligence. Springer, 2011. [ bib | http ]
[4] C. Cruz, J. Gonzalez, N. Krasnogor, and G. Terraza, editors. Nature Inspired Cooperative Strategies for Optimization (NICSO 2010), volume 284. Springer, 2010. [ bib | http ]
[5] N. Krasnogor, B. Melian-Batista, J.A. Moreno-Perez, J.M. Moreno-Vega, and D. Pelta, editors. Nature Inspired Cooperative Strategies for Optimization (NICSO 2008), volume 236 of Studies in Computational Intelligence. Springer, 2009. [ bib | http ]
[6] V. Cutello, N. Krasnogor, M. Pavone, and D.A. Pelta, editors. Nature Inspired Cooperative Strategies for Optimization (NICSO 2007), volume 129 of Studies in Computational Intelligence. Springer, 2008. [ bib | http | http ]
[7] N. Krasnogor, S. Gustafson, D.A. Pelta, and J.L. Verdegay, editors. Systems Self-Assembly: Multidisciplinary Snapshots, volume 5 of Studies in Multidisciplinarity. Elsevier, 2008. (to appear). [ bib | http ]
[8] D.A. Pelta and N. Krasnogor, editors. Nature Inspired Cooperative Strategies for Optimisation (NICSO 2006). University of Granada, 2006. [ bib ]
[9] W.E. Hart, N. Krasnogor, and J.E. Smith, editors. Recent advances in memetic algorithms, volume 166 of Studies in Fuzzyness and Soft Computing. Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York, 2004. ISBN 3-540-22904-3. [ bib | http ]

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