On the care and feeding of Amanda Backups

Amanda will ask for tapes every 5 or 7 working days, depending how many tapes have been loaded. There are 40 in the cycle. The tape robot door is not normally locked, but is quite stiff - pull hard. The tape robot holds up to 7 tapes. You need to load slots 6 and 7 before slots 1 and 2. All operations with the tape drive commence with the mode button, possibly pressed several times. The next and previous buttons change a parameter such as a slot number once the required mode has been reached. The select button starts the operation.

I normally only move tapes offsite about every fortnight. If you keep 10 recent tapes in the machine room, you will not be likely to need a tape from Nigel to answer a restore request. 10 tapes should contain 1 copy of everything 14 is overkill.

The verification pass has been fairly reliable since I swaped tape drives with grindon. If it fails, my policy has been to force a level 0 dump on any backups which may have failed. The amverify output is in tape-sequence order, and the following command will produce the same list for the tape specified (the tape label is given in the amdump and amverify messages):-

amadmin ncl find | grep byerhope03 | sort +5n -6
Additional level 0 dumps can be forced with (for example):-
amadmin ncl force byerhope /dev/sdj3

30 May 2002