upSoftware Engineering 1968


Key to Photographs

This diagram and identification list accompanied a set of ten photographs that were circulated to attendees
by the organizers shortly after the conference. (These are the photographs labelled "Group 1-9", together with the one labelled "R.M. McClure".)

Identification List

1. Wiehle
2. Samelson
3. Pinkerton
4. Randell
5. Haller
6. Buxton
7. Endres
8. Tsiftsis
9. Gillette?
10. Reenskaug
11. Bauer
12. Pavlidis
13. Nash
15. Kovach?
16. Opler
17. Hume
18. d'Agapeyeff
19. Goos
20. Babcock
21. Bolliet
22. Donner
23. Sallé
24. Wodon
26. Samelson
27. Enlart
28. Bauer
30. Sapper
31. Hanisch
32. Peischl
33. Hugo
34. Hastings
35. Graham
36. Flanigan
37. Wiehle
38. Kolence?
39. Pinkerton
40. Bemer
41. Randell
43. Galler
44. Randers
45. Smith
46. Llewelyn
47. McClure
48. Kjeldaas
49. Ercoli
50. Donner
51. Barton
52. Sapper
53. Berghuis
54. Wiehle
55. Naur
57. Fraser
58. David
60. Gries
61. Dijkstra
62. Paul
63. Köhler
64. Genuys
65. Donner
66. Sallé
68. Wodon
69. Barton
70. Dijkstra
71. Wodon
72. Gill
73. Hume
74. Smith
75. Paul
76. Perlis
77. Randell
78. Hastings
79. Babcock
80. Donner
81. Enlart
82. Gries
83. Samelson
84. Galler
85. Llewelyn
86. Kolence?
87. Smith
88. Paul
89. Perlis
90. Randell
91. Ross
92. Graham
93. Goos
94. van der Poel
95. McIlroy
96. Kinslow
97. Reenskaug
98. Gries
99. Wiehle
100. Samelson
101. Van der Poel
102. Wodon
103. Dijkstra
104. Nash
105. Hume
!06. Wiehle
107. Wodon
108. Samelson
109. van der Poel
110. Dijkstra
111. McClure (Texas)

Last updated 10 Aug 2001 - B. Randell