Class GEDCOMInput


public class GEDCOMInput
extends Object
This class has the overall responsibility for reading a GEDCOM file and build an internal database from it.

Vegard Brox

Constructor Index

 o GEDCOMInput()

Method Index

 o input(File, Hashtable, Hashtable)
Uses the GEDCOMLocater class to read the specified input file.


 o GEDCOMInput
 public GEDCOMInput()


 o input
 public static void input(File file,
                          Hashtable people,
                          Hashtable families) throws FileNotFoundException
Uses the GEDCOMLocater class to read the specified input file. Person and Family objects are created based on the input file, and placed in the specified hashtables.

file - The GEDCOM file to read from
people - A hashtable where Person objects should be added
families - A hashtable where Family objects should be added