Forgotten password page: Questions written and answers in database. Need to connect it via ajax queries and allow them to create new passwords. Restaruant Manager Page: New Order Page: Styling for tables Order History:[Haoliang] Cancel items if they are "Ordered" Update the "Ordered, Dispatched, Arrived and Delivered" button. Order Analytics: Last thing to do. Pull all of the data from the database and create charts/graphs. Drivers pages: Current Delivery: Display start time/data List all restaurants from the delivery Estimated times? Delivery History: All deliveries marked as completed for that driver. The orders in the deliveries with their ingredients. Warehouse: Add Delivery: [Tom] Add orders to a delivery[complete] Add a driver to a delivery whose status is Unassigned.[complete] Add a time and date. Making sure it is 3 days since the last delivery[complete] Create a schedule for driver[In progress] Update all related databases. Delivery History: > Completed bar styling. [DONE (Lucrezia)] Notification Center: This needs javascript to notify and be common to all pages. Pull the information for the person logged in. Each message has a status. Read or Unread. Current messages are Unread History is read. Drivers get time reminders Managers get low stock reminders warehouse get new order or canceled orders notifacations Testing and testing documentation:[Ding/Lee] Is it possible to use PHPUnit to do automation testing? Manual testing for each individual webpage and document that testing POS: New images to upload. Styling. > Same cart as before. [DONE (Lucrezia)] Can only add to order if in stock for all required ingredients. Grey out or X out an image if stock is wtoo low or place warning. Contacts:[Jessie] Styling googlemap of each location Misc: Change AJAX errors to use error codes