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Explore Northumberland with the perfect guide to its sights, attractions, and history.

The Northumberland County Council asked us to create an app for families, explorers, and sightseers as a tool to help them find out about all the best attractions Northumberland has to offer. With over 80 attractions in our database, and information about all the different ways to get to them, we think we’ve created the perfect app for the job.

The beautiful photos of Northumberlands attractions are from Flickr, and we believe this is the best way for you to see the true beauty of Northumberland; through the camera lens of other visitors.


map transport point point point point

All the best Northumberland attractions on one map.

Transport information and directions from your location.

Keep track of your favourite sights and attractions.

Add your own attractions to the map.

attraction menu point point point point

See other visitors' photos taken at attractions with Flickr integration.

Find out about all our attractions even when you’re offline.

Search our database for any attraction.

Read and leave reviews on our app for other visitors.


Here's a quick guide on how to use MAPP'D Northumberland.

Menu: Tap the icon in the top left hand corner to open up the side menu. From here you can access any area of the app.

Search: You can search for an attraction by taping the search icon in the top right corner of the app. This will open a search bar you can type into. Type in any attraction name and tap enter, and all relevant attractions will be shown.

List: Here you can find a list of all of our attractions. From here, you can quickly 'favourite' an attraction, and tap on an attraction to get more information about it.

Map: Our map will show you all of our attractions in one place. To find out more about an attraction on the map, tap on it. To find your current location on the map, tap the icon in the top right corner of the map. To get directions to an attraction on the map, tap on an attraction and then tap the directions icon in the bottom left corner. This will open Google Maps and give you directions to the attraction from your current location. To show the attraction in Google Maps without any directions, simply tap the Google Maps icon to the right of the directions icon.

Category: Here you can access the attractions based on their category: What To See, What To Do, and Seaside. To get a list of attractions within a category, simply tap the category.

Culture: Northumberlands culture, history, and heritage is rich, so here we picked out just a few interesting things for you to find out more about.

Transport: Here you can find information about bus times and routes around Northumberland. This bus route passes a lot of attractions featured on our app.

Attractions: Our app gives a brief overview of each attraction, and shows you images directly from Flickr. From here, you can tap on the 'Map Direction' button, which will take you to our map and show you where it is. You can also leave and read reviews on any attraction. To leave a review, rate the attraction out of five, then type in your name and review. Click submit and other users will be able to read your review!

Favourite: There are over 80 attractions in our database, so we've made it quicker and easier for you to keep track of your favourite attractions. You can favourite attractions by tapping the heart next to any attraction name. All of these can then be found in the Favourite section of your app. Simply tap the heart again to unfavourite it.

Help: Here you can find helpful information about the app, as well as add your own attractions to the map. Enter the name and description and see the attraction appear on your map. On top of that, we believe your attraction is suitable for our map, we'll add it to our database so all users can see.

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Java ● XML ● SQLite ● HTML ● CSS ● JavaScript ● Google Maps API

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